Finals week may officially start on Dec. 13, but most students start preparing, and stressing, as soon as Thanksgiving leftovers are in the fridge. Finals week is a stressful period for many people, and it’s important to take breaks so The Pitt News Staff has some shows that you can really invest a lot of time into to get your minds off of exams.
Leverage (Amazon Prime) // Sinéad McDevitt, Digital Manager
Do you like watching hot people do things incredibly competently? Do you like watching people who got rich by taking advantage of others get their comeuppance? Then “Leverage” is definitely the show for you. It follows a group of thieves banding together to help people who can’t help themselves and it is so satisfying. CEOs who skip out on safety measures, thus netting a profit while letting people die? Corrupt government officials who control the police force for their own gain? Fake psychics emotionally manipulating people to get their money? No one is out of reach for the Leverage team, and each episode is a thrilling watch as they pull off a variety of intricate cons that end in the bad guy of the week getting some sweet, sweet karma.
If you’re looking for the show, know there’s the original “Leverage” series which is five seasons, and “Leverage: Redemption,” a sequel series taking place several years after the end of the first featuring some new and old characters that came out this year and currently only has one season. Both are great watches, but it’s definitely better to watch the original first.
Game of Thrones (HBO Max) // Diana Velasquez, Contributing Editor
First seven seasons ONLY, people! Every so often I miss the days where we were all screaming on Twitter about Jon Snow, dragons and horrible writers botching storylines. For all of the ending’s faults, and oh there are many, “Game of Thrones” was the most popular show on television for a long time, and for good reason. HBO’s adaptation of George R. R. Martin’s high fantasy series had all the shock value, fantastical elements and phenomenal acting that anyone could ever want. Everyone loves a little escapism, and whether we admit it or not sometimes that escapism leans a little to the darkside. “Game of Thrones” has both in spades, and whether or not you’re rooting for the Starks, the Targaryens or maybe even the Lannisters there’s enough intrigue and medieval-inspired craziness to keep you engaged. Well, for the first seven seasons at least.
GLOW (Netflix) // Kendall Swift, Staff Writer
“GLOW” is a great show if you want to feel trapped in the ’80s. It follows Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie), who is a struggling L.A. actress in 1985, as she gets a role on a women’s wrestling television show called “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling” (G.L.O.W.). She finds herself working with 12 other women who don’t quite fit in in Hollywood, including her ex-best friend. She must navigate the challenges of trying to make a successful TV show and the drama between her and her ex-best friend. It has three seasons with 10 episodes each. It almost had a fourth season, but it was unfortunately cancelled due to budget restraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is loosely based on the real Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling group that started in 1986. Overall, the aesthetic of the time period and the relatability of the plot makes this a great show to get lost in.
The post Weekend Watchlist | Shows to get lost in appeared first on The Pitt News.
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