Kenya Moore Is Addressing A Vital Health Issue – See Her Emotional Message

Kenya Moore4 addressed a critical health issue. Check out an important message that she dropped on her social media account below. 'At 14 years old, I had these debilitating “headaches” and I thought they were normal, I never knew what it was. I would hide in my room, turn off all the lights and block out any noise. As I got older I realized these unusual symptoms were actual #migraines. When I became a mother, I was determined to not let the pain stop me from being there for my daughter. When my doctor told me about Nurtec® ODT (rimegepant) 75 mg, I was so happy because now I worry less about migraine stopping all the joy and happiness of me being a busy mom of a very happy toddler. #migrainessuck,' Kenya said. She continued and posted this: 'I would encourage anyone who is looking for a way to treat their migraines to talk to their doctor about @NurtecODT. Individual results may vary. #NurtecODT is used for the acute treatment of migraine and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. Prescription only. Do not take Nurtec ODT if allergic to Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) or its ingredients. The most common side effects were nausea and stomach pain/indigestion. Nurtec ODT is not effective for everyone. Swipe for Important Safety Information and see @nurtecodt_pi. #NurtecODT #migrainessuck @nurtecodt.'   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kenya Moore (@thekenyamoore) Somoene said: 'I needed to hear this! I’ve suffered from this since I was a kid,' and a commenter said: 'you're so beautiful queen. gorgeous photo in this post. can't wait to continue to support your #dwts journey. haven't watched since 2016 but watching for you!' Someone esle psoted this: 'Beautiful Pic. Hmmmm I'm so sorry that happened. I know you're doing Endorsements but Migraines come from dehydration. Drink Alkaline Water. All Physical Ailments start with Diet Deficiencies. Feed Brookie Cookie lots of Fruits.' A follower said: 'Kenya!! I suffer from migraines, and following the migraines i usually start to feel nauseous after, did that happen to you?' One other commenter posted this: 'I too am a migraine sufferer … thank you for sharing this info.' Kenya is living her best life with her daughter.

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