Richard E Grant Unveils Heart-Breaking News: His Wife, Joan Washington Passed Away

Richard E Grant made a terrible announcement. He said that his wife Joan Washington had passed away. He revealed the news on his social media account, where his fans and followers reacted. 🎵ONLY YOU!🎵Joan - Love of my Life & Giver of Life to our daughter Olivia. Our hearts are broken with the loss of your Life last night. 35 years married & 38 together. To be truly known and seen by you, is your immeasurable gift. Do not forget us, sweet Monkee-mine 💔💔💔💔💔💔 — Richard E. Grant (@RichardEGrant) September 3, 2021 Someone said: 'I’m so sad and sorry for your loss Richard and Olivia. 💔😢. I’m currently in a hospice with my Wife who’s dying from gbm4 and know that words cannot stem the pain you will be feeling but I send you my very best ❤️🙏🏼XX.' One other follower posted this: 'So sorry to hear this Richard. Joan was so kind and wonderful to me. She encouraged me and we had some great laughs together. Sending you lots of love.' A follower said: 'Me, too, fifteen months ago after almost 38 years of marriage. I understand exactly what you mean about not having learned to live with it yet. I really can't see how I ever will, hard as I try. Good luck to you, too.' Someone said: 'I’m so sorry for your loss Richard. My thoughts are with you and your daughter whilst you try and come to terms with your heart-wrenching situation. Please know that people are here for you both. RIP #JoanWashington forever loved White heart.' A follower posted this: 'My heart goes out to you Richard. You have spent your life bringing joy to people, I hope the swell of love and affection being returned to you offers some comfort in these very worst of times. Sending you a hug xx and one other fan said: 'My elderly grandmother once had her purse pinched in a supermarket in Richmond. Your wife was very kind to her and stayed with her until the police came. My sympathies.' Mor people continued to send his their love via social media. Let's keep him, and the family lifted up in prayer.

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