Kenya Moore Is A Stunning Queen In Her Latest Photo And Clips

Kenya Moore is stunning in her latest pics. Check them out below and see some of her fans' comments. 'Every day you wake up is another day to create your legacy. What do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered? Who did you help along the way? What do you want people to say about you? Live your legacy every day.@Kenya,' Kenya said.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kenya Moore (@kenya) Someone said: 'Stunningly beautiful and gorgeous,' and more people agreed and called Kenya a queen. A commenter posted this: '@kenya I’m listening to @tinaturner I will love to see you dance to @tinaturner music with a Live band in the back ground. @kenya please say yes.'   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Kenya Moore (@kenya) Someone else posted: 'God has granted an angel of beauty to stay in your company!' A follower said: 'You give the people what they want, and we always want Moore,' and someone else posted this: 'Verified So the energy of this pro photographer is everything! Can't wait to see the final results !!!!!!' Back in February, Kenya Moore was really proud of her products and she is showing them off to her fans and followers on social media. Here's the message that she shared. 'Check us out @cvspharmacy today! @kenyamoorehair is flying off the shelves. Our products get your hair healthy, strong so it doesn’t break off. You can see the results in the inches you gain! New products zoning soon!' Kenya wrote. A commenter posted this: 'As much as I can’t stand Kenya, I’m still so very proud of her for maintaining a hair care line, the other ladies bet not come for her for having a line in cvs!' One other follower said: 'Proud mama! Proud CEO! CEO mom! Our one and only queen @kenya You have no idea how much of an inspiration you are too many of us out there! My dream is to one day meet you and thank you in person, queen!'

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