Cardi B’s Latest Post Has Fans In Awe – See What’s This All About Here

Cardi B shared a post on her social media account. Fans are simply in love with her as you will see in the messages they left. 'Why every time I post my natural hair I hear “you’re MIXED you’re supposed to have long hair”? That’s not true and very misleading. I been posting pics of my hair journey for years and being mixed doesn’t mean your hair is always long and curly, that wasn’t my case. Since I was a child I have had problems with managing my hair and a couple years ago I find different methods that work for me and look at my length now,' Cardi began. 'They’ll try to make us believe our hair won’t grow this long it’s not true. A lot of hair products we used back then wasn’t good for our hair but that’s all we had to choose from also we couldn’t afford to get to the salon regularly, if at all. now everybody is getting better options, making affordable GOOD products, learning from natural hair YouTube and tiktok about how to care for our hair better. I want women of color with tighter curl patterns to know that you don’t have “BAD HAIR” there’s no such thing as bad hair . and “good” hair don’t mean a certain texture. ALL HAIR IS GOOD. Check out my pinned story “HAIR DAY” and I can’t wait to show ya more of my hair care routines,' she said.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Cardi B (@iamcardib) Someone said: 'Cardi anything you do, someone will try to discredit or make negative. Whether they know the story or not, instead of hating - they should’ve been asking for your hair mask recipe.. Maybe, you should drop a “Cardi B Haircare Collection”! @iamcardib.' One other follower posted this: 'They just don’t know Instagram Cardi! Back in the day Cardi! Her hair had always been short and textured since before she blew up!' A follower said: 'Why do people say that? I’m just mad I didn’t know sooner how fly my hair was… All that damn Bantu and Hawaiian Silky.' Cardi B just met Robert Pattinson , and she could not be more excited. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account. A follower said: 'SHE’S SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR YO as famous as she is it’s still so cute to see her excited meeting other famous people.' Cardi B   just bought another house, and fans could not be prouder of her. Check out the message that she shared on her social media account. 'These days I don’t just live one place, I’m everywhere due to my work. One thing for sure I needed a home in my home city of NY! I’m soo proud of myself. I work so hard for my children to be comfortable everywhere they are regardless of work.'

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