Jordyn Woods Shares An Exciting Video Featuring Her Mom – Check It Out Here
Jordyn Woods shared a video on her social media account, and fans are simply in love with these ladies. Check out some of the comments that fans and followers dropped on social media below. 'Today I'm exploring DNA testing and our genealogy with @elizabethwoods . It's been so fun learning about my family and where we come from. Tag your,' Jordyn captioned her post. Someone said: 'I literally wasted my time watching this omg,' and one other follwoer said: 'Love u but seriously these are not good enough to be 2 parts sissy just make 1 whole episode. Surely you got more interesting content to make more regular-ish videos lol.' View this post on Instagram A post shared by HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods) One other follower said: 'Can you talk a little faster Jordyn ? You're slowing it down a lot . And another questions what about your fathers's side of your DNA ?' Someone else said: 'oh y’all being mad rude in the comments, this is crazy why follow if u don’t like sis?' and a commenter posted this: 'Ooh I just learned the Ashkenazi Jewish have a lot of genetic and conditions and diseases as well as I want to say “pregnancy issues”. It’s good to know if you come across any future health problems because it could be the reason why!' One other follower said: 'Yea Jordan I think it’s time to get scripted lol but I do love the concept,' and a commenter posted this: 'Yikes!! The sound was TOO loud and drowns out everything! Can you please take it out?!' A fan said: 'Wait so are we pretending you don’t have African genes? I sincerely hope not. Your hair texture is from your African heritage.' Someone else said: 'Tot you would have atleast ten percent Cameroon damn ur Dad looks like my uncle,' and one commenter posted this: 'I think we all k know that she had African American in her Dad side. But mom looks mix with a few races that’s why she is so beautiful and her daughters have her face and body type.'
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