Jordyn Woods Shares Another Video Featuring Her Mom That Has Fans In Awe

Jordyn Woods shared a new video featuring her mother that has fans happy. Check out her post below. 'Ancestry - Part 2 Y'all know when @elizabethwoods and I start talking you can't get us to stop. We're getting into the results of our DNA tests, and sharing family stories. Have you been thinking about doing a DNA test? Let me know in the comments Someone said: 'Genealogy is where you really see your bloodline. I’m working on my genealogy now. It’s quite intensive research,' and another follower posted this: 'Big up from someone who’s Sierra Leonean 🇸🇱 and Nigerian 🇳🇬!' A fan said: 'Yah I did this and found out detailed of which countries my ancestors are from! 80% are from the motherland!' and one other follower rposted this: 'I would love to know percentages and which could be from your mother and which from your father...'   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by HEIR JORDYN (@jordynwoods) Someone else said: 'African Hunters- Gathers one of the last Tribes located in Tanzania. They are known for living off of natural resources- and their survival instincts. Hunt their food live off natural things around them. Birds berries - leaves- natural plants. They keep their personal possessions very minimal to move about easy- living in small groups. Thanks for sharing - made me go check it out.' One fan said: 'I actually have . my last name is wise and I would like to know if im related to the people who created wise chips. my great grandmother I believe married a man whose last name was wise but her last name was already wise so my family has a saying we're 2x the wise lol.' One other follower posted this: 'Wow your amazing your photos give me inspiration keep doing what you do because you give me a reason to keep doing what I need to do to follow my dreams. Girl I don't know how many times that these banger photos look so Damm good This gives me so much inspiration to be like you. Your makeup your hair your body sitting tight and snatched for all of us to watch oh my gosh my gosh... look at her BOOTT love it need it leave it want it comment on it come to it wow it yes yes yes. Girl I need more. Love ya.'

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